Wong Family Gift Supports Fine Arts, Student Services
Episcopal’s Theatre, Band, and Student Services programs received a gift from Greg and Amy Wong, parents of Danny ‘22 and Liam ‘26. These three programs have benefited the Wong family, who wanted their contributions to benefit others in the Episcopal community. The funds will be used to provide a guest artist workshop for Theatre, new instruments for Band, and attendance at a professional development conference for Student Services.
“Episcopal takes care of the school’s needs,” said Greg Wong. “We wanted to address a few of the faculty’s ‘wants.’”
The Wongs have appreciated the way the school has met the challenges of COVID-19. “Episcopal has just figured out a way to get it done,” he said. “In particular, the performing arts department has done a stellar job…instead of just canceling the Christmas Concert, they held it outside, and it was raining right up until the start of it. That had to have been stressful. And the Fall theatre variety program was also held outside, demonstrating that the ‘show must go on.’”
The Wongs have seen their sons thrive in their academic and extracurricular lives at Episcopal, and they appreciate the meaningful support Student Services provides to them and their classmates. Their gift to Student Services allowed four members to attend the FCIS Winter Symposium on Health and Wellness last year.
“We’re so grateful to Greg and Amy for their support and encouragement,” said The Rev. Adam Greene, Head of School. “It’s inspiring to see them give back.”