St. Mark’s Campus Fly-Up Schedule (Friday)
Friday, January 22
Fly-Ups are a special time when students have an opportunity to preview the next grade and see all the exciting things that await them.
During this special time, parents will also be given a glimpse of the next grade level through a live look into the classroom.
Please make plans to join us via Zoom for the day and time your child(ren)’s class will be flying up.
Friday, January 22:
8:45-9:15: Pre-K 3 Jones flying up to Pre-K 4
9:15-9:45: Pre-K 3 Barnes flying up to Pre-K 4
10:30-11:00: 1st grade flying up to 2nd grade
11:00-11:30: Kindergarten flying up to 1st grade
11:00-11:30: 2nd grade flying up to 3rd grade
Zoom links were sent via email (from Kelly Risdon) Wednesday, January 20.