Booster Meeting September 4
Booster Meeting September 4, 2020
8:30am Secret Garden Café
10095 Beach Blvd 32246
Please RSVP to Aronson Kagiliery – [email protected]
Congratulations, you’re a Booster! That’s great, what is Boosters? Boosters is the Episcopal Parent Group that supports Eagle Athletics. As an Episcopal family, you are already part of Boosters.
“My child doesn’t play a Varsity sport.”
They don’t need to, we support every team on campus. Parents of all Eagle Athletes are welcome and wanted.
“What do I have to do?”
Nothing, come, learn what Eagle Athletics is all about.
“I don’t want to fundraise.”
Good, neither do we!
“I don’t really have time.”
We love busy parents! We meet just once a month- the first Friday of the month at 8:30 for about an hour.
“I don’t know anyone.”
Hello, my name is Aronson Kagiliery. It’s nice to meet you! Dawn Stratton, Lynne Murphy, and Michelle Wright will be there too. Did we mention we work alongside the athletic department (with representatives at every meeting)? We do!
In these unique times community is even more important. We want you to know there’s a place to ask your Eagles Athletics questions, share concerns, and give ideas. This is a great opportunity to be a part of something we all care about- our athletes. There are no expectations, we just want you there (that’s it! We promise). Also, FREE T-SHIRTS (maybe we should’ve lead with that).
Sounds fun, doesn’t it? If it involves sports at Episcopal, we’re there and we want you there too! We will socially distance meet at Secret Garden Cafe, 8:30 a.m. on Friday, September 4. Breakfast is available for order.
Please email me at [email protected] or text me at 407-760-6536 to let me know you will join us. We want to make sure we have plenty of seats!