Textbook Pre-order and/or Supply Pick-up Only
Dear Parents and Students,
All book and supply orders must be picked up by August 6th, to help accommodate this effort we are opening up windows of opportunity with no appointment needed for you to come get your books. Here is important information about this:
8am – 12pm – July 27, 28, 29 and August 3 and 4
12pm – 3pm – August 5 and 6
1. This will be outside the Campus Store and only for book pick up. Book(s) have to be ordered in advance.
2. The book(s) have to be charged to the student account because we will not have registers outside and inside is for appointments only.
3. If you need to come in the store for any reason you will need to make an appointment through the Campus Store website.
Please note, if you wanted to pay at pick-up for your student’s books/supplies but prefer to come pick them up, email [email protected] and let her know to charge the books/supplies to the account so you can pick them up.
Please contact the Campus Store with any questions, we are happy to help you.