Lara Duguid Serves as AP European History Exam Reader for 10th Year
Lara Duguid, Munnerlyn Campus history instructor, has read AP European History exams in Kansas City for nine years. This year, her 10th, was completed at home. Lara serves as a table leader, so she worked on the pre-reading for a week, reading as many essays as possible to find training essays for the readers. During the week of exam reading, she back-read the readers to ensure they were grading on standard and grading accurately. As a table leader she also provided encouragement and feedback to readers in all time zones. “I worked 8 to 11 hour days depending on what we were doing,” shared Lara. “We were not allowed to use zoom or FaceTime, so all my communications with my readers was done by phone or through a chat feature. I really missed the face to face interactions with colleagues, but this was well organized and very efficient.”