Middle School Students Recognized
Middle School students were recently recognized for achievements on campus this year — faculty delivered awards in person or students stopped by campus.
2020 End of Year Athletic Awards
Best All Around Male Athlete: John John Pajcic
Best All Around Female Athlete: Grace Jones
Best Male Athlete in a Single Sport: Henry Robarbs
Best Female Athlete in a Single Sport: Nia Atcherson
Peter Ober Male Sportsmanship Award: Russell Beard
Peter Ober Female Sportsmanship: Award Hannah Kowkabany
Male Athlete Scholar: Tommy Brice
Female Athlete Scholar: Hannah Bittner
Eagle Award: Charlotte Seay
2020 End of Year Fine Arts Awards
Excellence in Performing Arts Middle School – Myla Turner
Excellence in Visual Arts Middle School – Sarah Barringer
Katharine K. Zambetti Christian Service Award: Katherine Frick
The Great Oak Award of Distinction, Board of Trustees: Sarah Barringer and William Holland
Mary of Bethany Award: Conner Hess
The Mary of Bethany Award is presented annually to an Episcopal School of Jacksonville eighth grader who exemplifies a deep and abiding faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. The award recognizes a student who lives out their faith through participation in Chapel and in other ways at the school.