Beaches Campus Health and Safety COVID Action Plan
Health and Safety COVID Action Plan for Episcopal Summer Programs on BES Campus
Beaches Episcopal School is prioritizing the health of children, all summer camp assistants, faculty, and staff so that it will be a fun and safe summer on campus. BES, as part of the ESJ Summer program, is preparing proactive measures for our summer program participants, guided by the Center for Disease Control, World Health Organization, and by the City of Jacksonville’s additional protocols for Phase 2 once they are announced.
Our summer program protocols are as follows:
Nurse. A nurse will be available from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. to assist with temperature and symptom checks and other health needs.
Daily temperature screening. Upon arrival each morning, we will conduct temperature screenings.
- Camp counselors will take and record the temperature of each participant (camper or student), faculty, staff, and assistant. Campers should not leave their car until their temperature is checked. A normal temperature will constitute “check in” and only then will the arriving participant join their camp group. Temperatures will be measured either with ear thermometers and sterile disposable filters, one per participant per day, or with no-touch infrared thermometers.
- Participants with temperatures equal to or higher than 100.3 will be returned to their parent or be quarantined immediately in the main office until the parent is back on campus. Please do not send your child to camp if he or she is not feeling well. Campers must be fever-free without the use of fever-reducing medication.
When you are notified your child is sick, he/she MUST be picked up by you or an emergency contact within 30 minutes.
Hand sanitizing stations. These stations will be strategically placed outside of our camp activity locations (classrooms, Movement Room, outdoors, etc). Participants will sanitize hands going in and coming out of each activity.
Restroom hygiene and sanitation. Students will have designated restrooms on campus to minimize cross-camp interactions.
Lunch safety. Lunch will have several protocols:
- Campers will bring sack lunches from home
- Distance seating at lunch tables or in different rooms for separate camps (four participants to an eight-adult person table)
- Food sharing and seat swapping strictly prohibited
Small groups. Students and campers will be assigned to a counselor or teacher in a small group in a given day of camp/class. City of Jacksonville guidelines for social distancing in Phase 2 will be maintained.
Contact activities and equipment or supply sharing. Camp staff will work to limit physical contact among campers as much as possible and will engage in sanitary practices for shared equipment and supplies.
Masks/gloves optional, except for food service personnel. Summer program teachers, students and campers, and camp directors/instructors may wear masks and/or gloves, but they are not required.
Water bottles. Campers and students should bring their own water bottles from home with their names on them. Water bottle filling stations will be available for filling/refilling water bottles only.
Waivers. Parents will complete a waiver which indicates that parents understand the protocols Episcopal is adopting for summer programs and agree to hold the school harmless in the event that their child becomes ill during camp. Parents may not stay on campus to observe camp after dropping off their child.
Refunds. If ESJ Summer cancels a camp or class for any reason, all fees will be refunded. Parents who cancel their child’s registration in a camp or class less than 24-hours prior to the start of that camp or class will get a refund less a $30 cancellation fee. Cancellations must be submitted in writing via email to Chad Senesac, Director of Summer Programs at ESJ.
We will be updating these protocols with new information as it becomes available from local and national health organizations. We are excited to work with your sons and daughters and look forward to a healthy and fun Episcopal summer!