A Note from Parents’ Association Leadership
We miss you- there’s no way around it. The Parents’ Association was so looking forward to the Spring Semester. We had many events planned including Popsicles with the PA, Faculty Appreciation, Senior Wills and the amazing end of the year opportunities to honor our Class of 2020. Of course, none of us ever imagined our year would end like this.
We didn’t get to say goodbye, we didn’t get to wish each other good summer relaxation. We just ended, and for that we are forever sorry. With that being said, the Parents’ Association wanted to say “Thank You”. Thank you for an amazing year, we had our most beautiful Christmas at Episcopal, our fall Faculty Appreciation lunch, wonderful community experiences through Mix and Mingle, and countless hours of work, laughter, and community.
If you came to a meeting and learned something in our Parent Education sessions, we will have those again next year. If you volunteered to bring food or help decorate for an event, we appreciate it so much. If you haven’t been to a meeting or volunteered, we hope to see you next year. We just want to hear from you– we won’t even ask you to be in charge of anything, unless you want to be! We feel that we left things unfinished, but we aren’t done. We know that without the wonderful families at Episcopal we wouldn’t have the community we cherish.
Please be safe and healthy this summer and know that your upcoming Parents’ Association Executive Board is already hard at work to make the 2020-2021 school year even better. Katherine Rabil (President), Melissa Wilkins (Vice President), Juli Davis (Treasurer) and Stacey Gray (Secretary) are available to answer any questions you may have. It has been our honor and pleasure to serve this past year. Thank you for your support and your friendship.
A huge congratulations to the Class of 2020 and their families! You are already showing resilience to everything life throws at you. We are honored to know you, to be part of your time at Episcopal, and to watch you leave the nest. We know you will do great things, and we are already proud of you. Go Eagles!
Best wishes and see you next year,
Aronson Kagiliery (current President), Katherine Rabil (current Vice President), Kerri Napoleon (current Treasurer) and Stacey Gray (current Secretary).
Always remember, “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” – Helen Keller