Closed Campus Means Planned Improvements Can Occur Sooner
Episcopal is taking advantage of remote learning and a closed campus to move ahead with several improvement projects led by the Campus Operations and Logistics department. This includes the pool, new spaces for Fine Arts, and a new sixth grade classroom.
ESJ was scheduled to replace the liner in the Randy Reese Pool this summer. With students off campus, the replacement of the lining is happening now. By completing this project now instead of over the summer, ESJ is able to avoid displacing swimmers and coaches for six to eight weeks and no longer needs to spend money to rent an alternate facility.
In addition, the work can be completed without bumping against any school conflicts that would slow the project down, shortening the time it will take to complete the work (pending weather). With the pool liner completed ahead of schedule, Summer Programs will now have access to the pool for the entire summer, enhancing summer camp offerings.
Two houses along St. Elmo Drive are being renovated to provide new and dedicated spaces for the Fine Arts department. Photography and Digital Media will be moving from the Acosta House to one of the houses and Draw, Paint, Print will move from the ceramics building to the other house. Work on the two St. Elmo houses is in its first stage — demolition — as walls are removed and the insides are being stripped to create open spaces for studio work.
The space that once housed Draw, Paint, Print will be remodeled to create an additional classroom for our expanding sixth grade. Remodeling will happen over the summer and all will be completed in time for the beginning of the 2020-2021 school year.
Episcopal’s staff is working hard to take advantage of an empty campus. Campus Operations will be devoting their resources to these projects and more over the summer. The result will be an even better space when everyone returns!