Trip Cancellations & Postponements
Episcopal continues to closely monitor the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19). We are taking short term actions and making plans that allow us to effectively respond to the many varied scenarios which we may encounter. Our main priority is to keep our students, faculty, and staff healthy and safe. We want to assure you that we are taking the necessary precautions so that our students are protected and will keep you updated as decisions are made. Below is a list of trips that have either been cancelled or postponed:
Trip Cancellations:
State Thespian Festival
Science Seminar Trip to Switzerland
State Science Fair of Florida
Congreso, State Spanish Competition
Congrès, State French Competition
Trip Postponements:
Kennedy Space Center, 7th Grade
We will continue to assess the risks associated with all travel before making decisions regarding day trips and overnight trips. Summer trips planned as part of our Global Learning Institute will be assessed this spring. Any changes to these trips will be communicated in a timely manner so that you may make alternative arrangements for your student should any cancellations be necessary.