Students Inducted into National Honor Society
Selected seniors and juniors were inducted into the Aerie Chapter of the National Honor Society (NHS) on Tuesday during a special ceremony in the Munnerlyn Center. NHS accepts students who have demonstrated excellence in the following areas: scholarship, service, leadership, and character. NHS recognizes students for their accomplishments and challenges participants to develop further through involvement in school activities and community service. Faculty advisors are Candy Edwards, Tom Lavelle, and Nancy Prendergast. The Honorable Lori Harrell Hershey ’82 returned to campus give congratulatory remarks to the inductees.
Lori is Chairwoman for the Duval County School Board and a champion for students and public education. Making a difference for children has been central to her multi-faceted career as she has worked with non- profit organizations like Communities in Schools and The Jacksonville Children’s Commission. Lori is a former middle school teacher who is certified in Critical Thinking Strategies and Instructional Design by the National Institute for Teaching Thinking. She is a leader with the Florida School Board Association serving on the Federal Relations Network Subcommittee, Finance Committee, and is the Board Legislative Committee and the Board of Directors. She also serves on the Board of Directors for the Council of Great City Schools. A graduate of Stetson University, Lori also holds a master’s degree in public administration and is currently working on her doctoral degree through Grand Canyon University.
2019-2020 Inductees
Amelie Elizabeth Arceneaux
Rebecca Suzanne Brown
Luke David Brunell
Sarah Rosalie Bryan
Morgan Leigh Chupp
Benjamin McGann Easton
Emilie Lucia Fazio
Ella Wells Freeman
Ella Elizabeth George
Lillian Camille Gleaton
Reid McKissick Hampton
Holly Elizabeth Hardman
Jewel Jacquelyn Hardwick
Jackson Archer Jones
Olivia Belle Leinenweber
Matthew Parrish McCoy
Mark Christopher Mori
Olivia Grace Orr
Amelia Rae Packard
Mark Armstrong Parent
William Buckner Pittman
Alexandra Elizabeth Steitz
May May Fuzhen Swett
Nandini Tandon
Niya Victoria Williams
Victoria Elizabeth Wood
Victoria Elizabeth Zlatanoff
John Kinnett Adams Jr.
Logan Elizabeth Allen
Sarah Elizabeth Barksdale
Jack Edward Bisher
Justin Andrew Bobo
John Conley Bogan
Chey Ann Nicole Boyd
Alaina Leeann Case
Jaclyn Sara Conner
Daniel Thomas Cooper
Gabriela Isabel Diaz-Vendrell
Miranda Kate Doro
Kamryn Bre Eppley
Morgan Delaney Farrin
Mackenzie Marie Flakus
Siyun Gao
Jameson Dean Gatewood
Hannah Pendleton Goldfield
Matthew John Goodman
Knox McGuffin Greene
Jordan Riley Harrow
Grant Collins Himes
Michael James Horning
Harrison Walker Hutto
Reagan Eve Huynh
Julia Marie Kagiliery
Rohil Sai Kanaparti
Julia Hamilton Kato
Donald Patrick Kohla
Mimi Page Kurlas
Ariel Adenike Largen
Madeline Grace Latta
Jason Phillip McKee
Evelyn Elizabeth Miller
Caroline Anne Million
Cynthia Scott Montgomery
Jake Michael Murphy
Kaya Leone Olszewski
Wentworth Grace Pajcic
Elizabeth Alston Rachels
James Robert Reese
Cooper Pierce Richart
Isabel Sigrid Ritch
William Kurt Schuler
Ilana Marcia Simmons
Anna Catherine Smith
Julian Brooks Smith
Emily Blythe Spinning
Natalie Joy Stone
Daniela Suarez
William Wilcox Thompson
Zachary Thomas Vontz
Taylor Rani Wells
Braden Daniel Witkovich
Isabella Marie Wright
Elizabeth Augusta York
Emily Anne Ziomek