Parents of Juniors & Seniors: "One Love" Session January 29
As part of our Health, Safety, and Well-Being initiative, juniors and seniors will participate in the One Love Foundation’s Escalation Workshop on January 31. The workshop will take place during an extended advisory period and it will consist of a 40 minute film followed by small group discussions led by Upper School advisors who have been trained to serve as facilitators. It will explore the warning signs of an unhealthy or abusive relationship and encourage the development of healthy, respectful, and safe relationships.
A parent informational session, led by our local One Love Foundation representative, will be offered on Tuesday, January 29, 4:30 p.m., in Jangro 214. We encourage parents of juniors and seniors to attend! The goal of the parent session is to equip parents, caregivers, and other adults with tools to engage their children and other young people in conversation about the difference between healthy and unhealthy relationship behaviors, and to provide action steps they can take if they suspect their child is in an unhealthy and potentially dangerous relationship.
For more details about the One Love Foundation, please visit www.joinonelove.org.