Information About Honors and AP Placement Tests
Testing for Honors and Advanced Placement (AP) courses will begin a week after students return to school from the Christmas break. As part of the application process, students may also need to fill out forms expressing a desire to be enrolled in a specific course. When applicable, current teachers will explain the process and distribute the forms to those who express an interest.
Below is the breakdown of the testing dates by discipline:
English: Jan. 16, 17 & 18
History: Jan. 22-25
Math: Jan. 28- Feb.1
World Languages: Jan. 28-Feb. 1
Science: Feb. 4-6
Students who wish to apply to courses in the Communications Department such as Journalism, Media, and AP Psychology pick up the form from their advisor. Completed applications are due by January 25.
Students wishing to enroll in Theological Arts also pick up the application from their advisor. Completed applications for Theological Arts are due by February 6.
Students who wish to apply to an honors or AP course but cannot take the test on the designated dates should have a conversation with the teacher prior to the test date to make alternate arrangements.
If you have any questions, you can contact Marta Pauly at [email protected] or at (904) 396-5751, ext. 1410.