Economics Students Present Urban Plans
Economics students presented their Urban Plan projects on Monday to professionals from different real estate, legal and city organizations from around Jacksonville. During their presentations, student development teams responded to a Request for Proposal for the redevelopment of a blighted site in the fictional city of Yorktown. Each team member assumed one of five roles in their private, for profit firm: finance director, marketing director, city liaison, neighborhood liaison, or site planner. Teams addressed challenging financial, market, social, political, and design issues; developed a financial pro-forma and a three-dimensional model of their plan; and presented their proposal to the city council to win the contract from the city.
The winning teams this year were:
ESJ Enterprise:
Evan Mansur- Marketing Director
Max Borghese- Financial Anal
Justice Queen- Site Planner
Alan Sievert- City Liaison
Hollin Hakimian- Neighborhood Liaison
Blackstone Development:
Luke Tipton – Marketing Director
Lindsay Monger- Financial Analyst:
Henry Page- Site Planner
Jilllian Griffin- City Liaison
Matthew Cooper- Neighborhood Liaison