Marcus Wells

Marcus Wells ’90 Receives 2018 Timothy Award

Mr. Marcus Wells ’90, Mathematics Instructor and football coach, was named the 2018 recipient of Episcopal’s Timothy Award in Chapel.

The Timothy Award is presented annually to an Episcopal School of Jacksonville teacher who exemplifies the ideal of Christian service to students and to the community. The Timothy Award recognizes the service of the individual and the importance of a vital Christian faith in the daily life of Episcopal School of Jacksonville. The recipient of the award will receive a check for $2000 and will also designate the another $1000 gift to go to the charity of his or her choice.

Mr. Wells was nominated by several students as well as faculty and staff.

His nominations included the following kind words:

“Mr. Wells is a great listener. He doesn’t hear only what is actually verbalized, but instead listens to fears, triumphs, and wishes. He helps others to understand what is truly important to them and then assists them in achieving their goals.”

“He cares about his students and players, as well as his co-workers and parents. His door is always open — to those in need with a friendly smile to help them see a brighter side of the day. He may be tough on his players on the field but they know that he will be there to support them every day, even out of season.”

“Mr. Wells teacher is incredibly humble and leads with a quite strength. Though he gives without expectations, this award is truly deserved.”

Timothy, guard what has been entrusted to your care. (1Tim 6:20a) This award is presented in loving memory of T.S. Roberts, Jr. and given by his family.