Spanish Competition: ¡Sobresalientes!
By: Olivia Kato ‘19
The weekend of March 17 marked the annual Spanish Competition where students from Episcopal’s Spanish classes competed for high marks that assessed their knowledge and mastery of the language. Each student was challenged to an impromptu speech, two minutes in length, a task that is challenging but possible. In fact, this year the majority of Episcopal students received the highest grade, referred to as a “sobresaliente”, which translates to “outstanding” on their impromptu speeches. Along with these speeches, they also recited poems in Spanish, performed a play and participated in a dance competition. The Spanish Competition team took home several awards, and they were very successful overall. As Madelene Garcia ‘19 would describe it, “Fue una experiencia que nunca me olvidaré.”
Image courtesy of Brie Barron ’19.