ESJ Walkout Speeches
By: Courtney Crawford ’18
As a member of the Episcopal community, but also as someone who keeps up with the news on a state and national level, I (and a handful of other students) felt the need to recognize the event that occurred in Parkland, Florida a little over a month and a half ago. The walkout allowed students at Episcopal to honor the lives lost at Stoneman Douglas High School and to contemplate the role of guns in our communities, without imposing political opinions. The essential goal was to form a connection between Episcopal and Marjory Stoneman Douglas by standing with this community and instituting a pen-pal program for students from both schools to discuss the events that had occurred.
The speeches given during the walkout can be viewed using the link below. The password to access this link is walkout.
Image courtesy of Ms. Leah Glotzbach.