By: Nial Murphy ‘20
In the past, Episcopal’s weightlifting team has tended to be one of the smaller athletic programs. However, this year’s team has stood out among the rest, being a larger team that fills out most of the weight classes and a group of lifters whom, using their immense mental and physical strength and fortitude, can go very far through districts, regionals and maybe even states this year.
Not all of this can be attributed to the athletes, though. Lots of the credit for our program’s improvement this year goes to the beautiful new weight room, which has students flocking to the shiny equipment within the Jangro Stadium. Even more credit should be given to the beloved Coach Pluta, managing and overseeing every aspect of the new weight room. One of the crucial members of the team, Luke Wentzel ‘19 had a lot to say about his team this year: “When I take a look at our team, I realize we are the absolute, physical manifestation of pure dominance, and with the leadership of Coach Pluta, we can and will perform beyond expectations this season.” All of this being said, the weightlifting team is set for an absolutely stellar season.
Image courtesy of Stela Chepenik ’19.