Vestry Chapel #5
By: Sara Himebauch ’18
The last and final Vestry chapel of the year happened this past week, and it focused on the theme of glorifying God. Vestry chapels throughout the year have focused on a specific topic that pertained to the overarching theme of glorifying God. Each chapel was designed to show different, unsuspecting aspects of how one can glorify God in very real and hard ways.
Vestry team #5, who planned this final Vestry chapel, took all of these prior thoughts and gave it their own spin. This was the culmination of what the message had been all year, but in the form of simple, everyday alternatives to what had been said before. Senior Vestry member Grace Woodward ‘18 gave the sermon suggesting four ways in which one could glorify God daily. The first, saying thank you: whether that be to the person next to you for helping you out or to God for creating such a beautiful day. The others were worship, appreciating God’s creation in the world around us and service to others. Additionally, there were a few surprises throughout the chapel such as former senior warden, Hailey Ibach ‘17, who returned to the stage again to sing in the chapel band. Libby Donahoo ‘18, a leader of Vestry team #5, said, “Our Vestry team worked really hard to create a memorable chapel, and I think we accomplished just that. We really wanted to surprise everyone with Hailey and help everyone leave with a feeling that glorifying God was simple and could be accomplished through so many different things, especially in this time of Lent.”
Image courtesy of Cameron Ibach ’18.