Vestry 2018-2019 Applications
The Upper School Vestry is a group of student leaders who are especially interested in strengthening the spiritual life of the school. This year, the vestry has had a voice in the planning of every chapel. They have fully planned and led more chapels this year than in any year past. We are looking forward to building on this very successful year. The vestry also serves the spiritual life of the school through prayer, service, Bible studies, and more.
All current 8th, 9th, 10th, or 11th graders are eligible to apply for the 2018-2019 Vestry. Applications are available from Mother Teresa or Mrs. Daze.
Please turn in completed applications to Mother Teresa, Mrs. Rankin, Ms. Flerlage, or Mrs. Daze in the Fine Arts office. Vestry applications are due Friday, April 6.