Urban Plan Winners
Two winning teams were chosen after economics students presented their Urban Plan projects on Thursday to members of the Urban Land Institute – North Florida. Nine teams participated in the competition. UrbanPlan is a 15-hour course that was created for high school and college students by the ULI to teach students urban planning concepts. Students work in development teams to analyze and respond to a hypothetical Request for Proposal for the redevelopment of a specific urban area. Each student takes on a specific role in their development team. Each team consists of a Site Planner, Financial Analyst, Marketing Director, City Liaison and Neighborhood Liaison.
“Urban Plan provides students with the opportunity to participate in a realistic, project-based learning scenario that allows them to think critically about how government, economics and the public’s interest must work together to solve complex issues related to development and urban planning,” said ESJ instructor Perry Walthour. “Our students greatly benefit from the experience of being able to defend their development decisions using the knowledge and information gained during the course of the project.”
Through the program, students explore how the forces of a market economy work with and against non-market forces in a democracy to create the environment in which they live. In completing their plans, the students must consider economic, social, cultural and political goals of the fictional city and its residents. Some of the items they will have to consider are zoning and design regulations, market demand for different types of land uses and real estate products, traffic patterns, quality of life and the needs of investors and lenders providing the capital for the project.
Team Hip and Edgy Development (left to right): Colin Sirbaugh, Courtney Matey, Adair Fant, John Cissel, Gabi Zlatanoff.
Team Clout Development (left to right) Zach Adam, Wilson Haynes, Ana Timpke, Robert Schuster, Nick Deperi.