First Vestry Chapel
First Vestry Chapel
By: Sara Himebauch ’18
October 4, 2017
The first of five Vestry Chapels occurred this past week. For those in our community who do not know what Vestry Chapel is, it is a special, student-led service, planned solely by members of our student Vestry, who work throughout the year to plan all the Chapels (but in particular these special Chapels).
This Chapel’s theme focused on the latter half of the common saying, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Our community was reminded in a great sermon given by senior Vestry member Sydni Wynter ’18 that “in order to fully love others, you must learn to fully love yourself for who God created you to be.” This message ties perfectly into the overarching chapel themes of “respect the dignity of every human being” and “love is the fulfillment of God’s laws.”
We were reminded of these truths and ideals in many different forms throughout the chapel, such as videos, songs and scripture. The feedback following the Chapel, from students and faculty members alike, was overwhelmingly positive.
Science instructor Ms. Jennie Rankin said, “I feel like it reached more students with the Word in a simpler way. Vestry Chapel is great because it is all led by students and is upbeat and engaging.”
The general consensus was that one of the best parts to the Chapel was the mash-up song performed by brother duo, Matthew ’19 and Daniel ‘21 Cooper, who conveyed central messages of the theme through worship songs and a small skit.
Overall, the chapel turned out great and the next four will be sure to excite in the same ways.