Katie Lebhar Black '95 Addresses National Honor Society Inductees
Katie Lebhar Black ’95, Interim Director of Fine Arts, addressed National Honor Society inductees, their parents and Upper School students on Thursday, Sept. 21 during the induction ceremony. She spoke specifically on the quality of leadership, telling the students that leaders make wise and informed decisions, and then clearly communicate with those they lead. In the middle of her speech, unexpectedly, Alex Hays ’20, a student trumpet player, stood up from where he was sitting among his peers and played his trumpet. Amidst confused murmurs, Mrs. Black went on to speak about ancient trumpet players and their charge to sound a clear signal to the armies that waited for direction. She said, “You all have an opportunity this year to be trumpeters – to give clear signals in your respective leadership positions that show your friends what it looks like to MOVE FORWARD.” A list of inductees is in the National Honor Society Program 2017.