Artist Spotlight: Abi Dannheim
By: Abi Dannheim ’19
My name is Abi Dannheim ‘19, and I am a junior participating in Photography and Draw, Paint and Print. I am constantly trying to take photos and do as much as I can in the arts, even though we attend to a very academic school. Some of my classmates take an art for the credit rather than the actually skills they can develop from the class. The reasons I take art and stick with it isn’t just because I like it but rather because of my love of creating and growing when it comes to design, colors and all of the other principals in art; I don’t ever want to stop exploring. My main ideas in photography and draw paint print normally develop from things that I haven’t seen before. I like creating images and oil pastel drawings to look new and interesting. My favorite technique in photography is portraits. In Draw, Paint, Print, I love to create abstract images, rather than realistic drawings. In art, I am taught about techniques, styles, processes, elements and principles; with that, I am now able to develop images and use different mediums to generate textures and shapes. Episcopal School of Jacksonville provides a fantastic arrangement of options and opportunities to grow in art, and without it, I wouldn’t be who I am today.
Image courtesy of Abi Dannheim ’19.