Camp Create is Full STEAM Ahead on the St. Mark’s Campus
Summer camp for rising ELP 2 – kindergarten students is full STEAM ahead on the St. Mark’s Campus. The first two weeks of camp are focusing on age appropriate science, technology, engineering, and math activities. Campers have designed and created silver rivers using tin foil, experimented with oil and water, created Oobleck using cornstarch and water, and made volcanos using baking soda and vinegar. They also built structures using marshmallows and toothpicks and constructed homemade marble roller coasters. In addition to using paint brushes, budding artists have made masterpieces with moving marbles and bubble wrap!
Today, Shannon Johnson, Beaches Campus Science Instructor, visited students and conducted color experiments with all campers. They mixed primary colors to make new ones, and created beautiful colored patterns by mixing food coloring with milk and dish soap.
“Our campers are eager to explore STEAM activities first hand,” said Betsy Porter, Director of Extended Day and Enrichment Programs. “It has been a joy watching them learn, “oooohh”, and “ahhhh” over all they have experienced these first two weeks at camp.”