Toiletry Drive for Ukraine
All three Episcopal campuses are collecting new toiletries (soap, lotion, toothpaste, toothbrushes, etc.) to support Ukrainian refugees living in the greater Jacksonville community. Families are invited to drop products off at designated campus locations during the specified dates below:.
Munnerlyn Campus – April 19 – May 4 – Drop off: Upper School drop off, Middle School drop off, and Munnerlyn Center main entrance
Beaches Campus – April 19 – 22 – Drop off: School office and carpool area
On Friday, April 22, Beaches Campus students will work together to sort toiletries and prepare bags to be given to refugee families as Catholic Charities helps them settle into temporary housing. Please join us in this very important effort. Our school community’s help is needed!
St. Mark’s Campus – April 27 – May 4 – Drop off: School office and carpool areas
Clergy will bless items donated to St. Mark’s Campus during Chapel on Wednesday, May 4.
Items to be collected are:
- Toothpaste
- Toothbrushes
- Body soap
- Hand soap
- Hand sanitizer
- Femine hygiene products
- Shampoo
- Deodorant
- Brushes and combs
- Bandages
- Sunscreen
- Bug spray
- Baby wipes