Middle School Gobble Grams for Sale (November 1-5)

Middle School Student Government is organizing Gobble Grams on the Munnerlyn Campus from November 1-5.

Our goal is to show gratitude towards our fellow Eagles. Recipients get candy to gobble up and a nice note of thankfulness.

Gobble Grams can be given to any Middle School student, faculty, or staff member on the Munnerlyn Campus.

Here’s the process:

  1. Students in grades 6-8 purchase each Gobble Gram for $1. Purchases can be made when that grade has Activity period in the Semmes Gym or after school by Middle School carline.
  2. The student will write a message of thankfulness to a particular person. Student Government members will add a small bag of candy to each message.
  3. The Gobble Grams will be delivered by the Middle School Student Government the week before Thanksgiving. Gram recipients will be given the hand-made Gobble Gram along with candy during Advisory.