
ESJ Holds First Remote Health, Safety, and Well-Being Event

ESJ’s first remote learning Health, Safety, and Well-Being event was held yesterday, and students were very creative in their activities.

They were asked to go outside and take a picture of an activity that represents Health, Safety, and Well-Being for them personally, such as something that represents comfort right now, or something that was already significant to them before social distancing started. They could also do something they really enjoyed, like paint, sketch, knit, or sit with pets. From jewelry making to yoga to music and walking pets, students took advantage of the time to do what made them feel great.

“Remote learning has required us all to adapt and adjust to new circumstances,” said Amy Burrows Perkins ’92. “Adapting our Health, Safety, and Well-Being event for remote learning made sense, too, and we have loved seeing the many ways students addressed self-care in a way that worked well for them and their particular situations. Thanks to all for posting your pictures and videos for us to see!” 

They were also encouraged to join Baptist Health Jacksonville’s Coping with COVID 30 day health challenge from now through May 31. ESJ and Baptist Health have partnered throughout the year to bring events to students.