Prayer for our Nation – Inauguration Day 1/20/2021
Prayer for our Nation
Inauguration Day 1/20/2021
by The Rev. Teresa Seagle, Dean of Spiritual Life and Service, Chaplain
Almighty God, ruler of the earth, who has blessed us as the people of this land: We seek you this day as our nation transitions. Acknowledging our citizens have many differing views and feelings on this inauguration day, guide this peaceful transition of power. We seek you to heal and unite our nation whether we rejoice in celebration, grieve the loss, or wrestle with various emotions, cares, and concerns. In a nation divided, may we find common ground in our respect for all human beings.
May our love and respect cross party lines, and our compassionate hearts care for those who are sick or in any need. We pray for those who grieve the loss of a loved one from COVID 19 and we pray for all who currently are battling this disease. Strengthen and nurture our front line workers battling this pandemic, including healthcare workers, police and firefighters, and teachers.
Guide all of our leaders that they each may honor the oath of office for which they have been called. May they work together to defend our liberties, fashion a united will, and to seek justice and peace among all people.
Guide each of us to seek and serve you in all persons, loving our neighbors as ourselves. May the light of Christ shine brightly through each of us, this day and always.
In Jesus Christ name we pray.