Lacey Mauritz, Cookbook Author and Dietician, Lacey Mauritz, Visits Campus
On Tuesday, November 10, cookbook author, dietician, and St. Mark’s Campus mom, Lacey Mauritz, visited with students in Pre-K 3 – 6th grade, During her fun, interactive presentation of her cookbook, Cooking with Mother Goose, Lacey engaged students with story time and a cooking demonstration.
She began by reading the book Escargot, a story about a snail who wants to get to the end of the book to eat a salad. Next, she taught students how to create a delicious salad by washing their hands, rinsing and spinning the lettuce, removing seeds from a cucumber, chopping carrots and green onions, and shaking the dressing. During each grade-level session, students were picked at random to participate in each step of the process. Students were then invited to enjoy a sample of the colorful, crunchy salad they created together. Students in fourth, fifth, and sixth grades also participated in a discussion with Lacey on how to publish a book.
Cooking with Mother Goose is filled with delicious, family-friendly recipes inspired by classic nursery rhymes. There are a variety of fresh and global ingredients to bring rhymes like Peter Piper and Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star to everyone’s kitchen. To learn more, visit storybooknutrition.com